What a comeback by the Bears
Thanks to Erv for calling me and alerting me to the fact that the Bears somehow managed to go up 24-23 on the Cards. I would've been pretty upset when I woke up in the morning to see that the Bears won the game. By the way, Devin Hester is the new Dante Hall.
Rahula Strohl from the Chicago Trib summed the ending of this game up best when he said, "If anyone, anywhere tells you they saw this coming, they're a bunch of lying liars from liartown." With Dave as my witness, I did tell him that the Bears were going to win 24-23 in the third quarter, but I obviously didn't believe myself since I went to bed before the game was over.
Rahula Strohl from the Chicago Trib summed the ending of this game up best when he said, "If anyone, anywhere tells you they saw this coming, they're a bunch of lying liars from liartown." With Dave as my witness, I did tell him that the Bears were going to win 24-23 in the third quarter, but I obviously didn't believe myself since I went to bed before the game was over.
I believed they were going to win, if i didnt i wouldnt have stayed up till 12:15 watching it when i half to be at work at 6 in the morning!!!
You're a lying liar from liartown. You saw the two defensive touchdowns and punt return for a touchdown coming? Lying liar from liartown.
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