Things getting even uglier for the Cubs
I saw in the paper today that Todd Walker was addressing things that Bob Brenly said during the telecast. Haven't we seen this before?! Walker was upset because Brenly said that he had trouble getting a ball out of his glove that could've ended up leading to a double play. Walker claims the ball took a bad hop and then placed the blame on Ronny Cedeno because Ronny made a bad throw to first. The part that Walker left out was that his late and soft throw to second is the reason why Cedeno made a bad throw. Because the throw was late to Ronny, the Mets baserunner was able to slide into him causing the errant throw. Walker said, "I got a little tough short hop there," Walker said. "I think Bob Brenly mentioned on TV I had trouble getting it out of my glove. I didn't have trouble getting it out of my glove. It was just a tough hop. We got the play at second and could've got the guy at first too. That was a tough deal, but you'll have to ask Ronny about that."
Hendry needs to get off his fat butt and get Todd Walker out of Chicago ASAP.
Hendry needs to get off his fat butt and get Todd Walker out of Chicago ASAP.
C.U.B.S.---Completely Useless By September
More like completely useless by June.
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