That's right the Bears picked a guy who is named Danieal (pronounced Danielle). Dusty Dvoracek was kicked off the Oklahoma football team in 2004 after severely beating a friend and sending him to the hospital. He was allowed to come back in 2005. The Bears are confident his issues surrounding alcohol are behind him and were impressed at his speed and aggressiveness on the inside. I really hope this isn't really Dusty's webpage. Be sure to check out his resume.
The Bears signed Carolina's Ricky Manning Jr to an offer sheet today. The Panthers are not expected to match the offer within their 7-day window. If the Bears get Manning, they will have to give up a third round draft pick to the Panthers. Manning has 13 interceptions in his 3-year career.
Derrek Lee suffered two broken bones in his right wrist during Wednesday's collision with Rafael Furcal and is expected to be in a cast for up to six weeks.
Lee could miss the next two-three months with the injury, which came on a freak play during the seventh inning of Wednesday's 5-4 win in Los Angeles.
As Adam would say, "John Mayberry is going to play in D-Lee's spot." For you non Cubs fans, it's John Mabry.
The Cubs defeated the Dodgers last night but lost Derrek Lee and Scott Eyre in the process. Lee suffered a sprained right wrist. X-rays taken at the ballpark were inconclusive and Lee will return to Chicago to be examined Thursday. Eyre has a right knee contusion and his availability will be evaluated day to day. Both players were injured on the same play. Rafael Furcal layed down a bunt and collided with D-Lee while he was fielding the throw from Eyre. Lee immediately went down clutching his right arm. Eyre injured himself when he fell down while throwing the ball to Lee.
If you have a fireplace, it is a good idea to have your chimney cleaned out once a year. I recently found out just how combustible creosote can be. Check out this site for some chimney fire facts.
The Cubs completed a sweep of the Cards last night, 8-4. Michael Barrett's 8th inning grand slam propelled the Cubs to the victory. The Cubs are now 4-1 and face the Reds tomorrow at Wrigley.